Observation dictionary

The observation at each step is a dictionary with following keys:

body_pos Positions of body parts along (X,Y,Z)
body_pos_rot Rotations of body parts along (X,Y,Z)
body_vel Velocities of body parts along (X,Y,Z)
body_vel_rot Rotational velocities of body parts along (X,Y,Z)
body_acc Accelerations of body parts along (X,Y,Z)
body_acc_rot Rotational accelerations of body parts along (X,Y,Z)
joint_pos Positions of joints
joint_vel Velocities of joints
joint_acc Accelerations of joints
muscles Forces acting on body parts
forces Forces acting on body parts
misc Forces acting on body parts
markers Empty for this model

Each element is a dictionary.

Body parts

The model has following bodies

calcn_l Left calcaneus
talus_l Left talus
tibia_l Left tibia
toes_l Left toes
femur_l Left femur
femur_r Right femur
head Head
pelvis Pelvis
torso Torso
pros_foot_r Prosthetic foot
pros_tibia_r Prosthetic tibia

Each element is a vector. Elements corresponding to each transational position, velocity, and acceleration is order as [x,y,z]. Rotational position, velocity, and acceleration vectors correspond to rotations along X, Y, and Z.


The model has following joints

name length description
ankle_l 1 Left ankle flexion
ankle_r 1 Right ankle flexion
back 1 Back flexion
ground_pelvis 6 translation (x,y,z) and rotation along x, y, and z
hip_l 3 Hip flexion, abduction, and rotation
hip_r 3 Hip flexion, abduction, and rotation
knee_l 1 Left knee flexion
knee_r 1 Right knee flexion

Extra joints back_0, mtp_l, subtalar_l appear in the dictionary for consistency but they cannot move.


name description primary function(s)
abd_l Hip abductors (left) Hip abduction (away from body’s vertical midline)
abd_r Hip abductors (right) Hip abduction (away from body’s vertical midline)
add_l Hip adductors (left) Hip adduction (toward body’s vertical midline)
add_r Hip adductors (right) Hip adduction (toward body’s vertical midline)
bifemsh_l Short head of the biceps femoris (left) Knee flexion
bifemsh_r Short head of the biceps femoris (right) Knee flexion
gastroc_l Gastrocnemius (left) Knee flexion and ankle extension (plantarflexion)
glut_max_l Gluteus maximus (left) Hip extension
glut_max_r Gluteus maximums (left) Hip extension
hamstrings_l Biarticular hamstrings (left) Hip extension and knee flexion
hamstrings_r Biarticular hamstrings (right) Hip extension and knee flexion
iliopsoas_l iliopsoas (left) Hip flexion
iliopsoas_r iliopsoas (right) Hip flexion
rect_fem_l rectus femoris (left) Hip flexion and knee extension
rect_fem_r rectus femoris (right) Hip flexion and knee extension
soleus_l soleus (left) Ankle extension (plantarflexion)
tib_ant_l tibialis anterior (left) Ankle flexion (dorsiflexion)
vasti_l vasti (left) Knee extension
vasti_r vasti (right) Knee extension

Each muscle element is a dictionary with 4 elements

activation Current activation
fiber_force Current fiber force
fiber_length Current fiber length
fiber_velocity Current fiber velocity


AnkleLimit_l Ankle ligament forces (left)
AnkleLimit_r Ankle ligament forces (right)
HipAddLimit_l Hip adduction/abduction ligament forces (left)
HipAddLimit_r Hip adduction/abduction ligament forces (right)
HipLimit_l Hip flexion/extension ligament forces (left)
HipLimit_r Hip flexion/extension ligament forces (right)
KneeLimit_l Knee flexion/extension ligament forces (left)
KneeLimit_r Knee flexion/extension ligament forces (right)
foot_l Ground reaction forces on the left foot. 6 values correspond to the 3 components (x,y,z) of the force and torque applied to the foot_l body.
pros_foot_r_0 Ground reaction forces on the prosthetic foot 6 values correspond to the 3 components (x,y,z) of the force and torque applied to the pros_foot_r body.

For the difference between muscle forces in this item and fiber_force in muscles please refer to Issue #163


mass_center_pos Position of the center of mass [x,y,z]
mass_center_vel Translational velocity of the center of mass [x,y,z]
mass_center_acc Translational acceleration of the center of mass [x,y,z]